Beautiful Vicenza

“In cen­tral Vene­to, where many rivers run, lies the Province of Vicen­za, an ever-chang­ing land­scape of moun­tains, val­leys, water cours­es, art cities, and food and wine itin­er­aries offer­ing evoca­tive land­scapes, as well as many an oppor­tu­ni­ty for a rather pleas­ant vaca­tion.
In the north lies the plateau known as the Altopi­ano di Asi­a­go and its eight munic­i­pal­i­ties: dressed in a palette of col­ors, the emer­ald val­leys and mead­ows scat­tered with cycla­mens, prim­ros­es, woodruffs, and lilies of the val­ley mix with the dark green of thick woods, soft­ened when the white snow cov­ers the entire panora­ma.

Below the plateau lies the Bas­sano zone, dom­i­nat­ed by Monte Grap­pa; it is the per­fect des­ti­na­tion for those charmed by the tran­quil­iz­ing scenery of gen­tly-rolling hills, places of remem­brance, tra­di­tions and old trades.

Even fur­ther down are the wide val­leys of Alto Vicenti­no, with their remark­able nat­ur­al, his­toric and artis­tic land­scapes.
The Bas­so Vicenti­no area, a strip of land in the far south of the province, appears as a geo­met­ri­cal mosa­ic cov­ered by rows of vine­yards, olive trees and fruit trees. The mighty rocks of the Beri­ci Hills hov­er over­head.

Vicen­za, sit­u­at­ed in the plain’s cen­ter, is a fine exem­plar of all the art, his­to­ry, nature and culi­nary tra­di­tions the region has to offer.” 

Contessa Carolina Valmarana