Societá del Quartetto di Vicenza

our partner in Vicenza

The Soci­età del Quar­tet­to di Vicen­za is a non-prof­it asso­ci­a­tion that has been orga­niz­ing and pro­mot­ing sea­sons of con­certs, music fes­ti­vals and sin­gle con­cert events for over a cen­tu­ry.

The association’s his­to­ry began in 1910 when the writer Anto­nio Fogaz­zaro gath­ered around him a group of music lovers to cre­ate a musi­cal asso­ci­a­tion in Vicen­za, based on the exam­ple of oth­er his­tor­i­cal asso­ci­a­tions that in the late nine­teenth and ear­ly Twen­ti­eth cen­tu­ry had flour­ished in the most impor­tant Ital­ian cities.

Since then the activ­i­ty of the Soci­età del Quar­tet­to has been car­ried out unin­ter­rupt­ed­ly, with the excep­tion of a pause of a few years to coin­cide with the Sec­ond World War.

Born as a sort of pri­vate cir­cle which includ­ed the nota­bles of the city — mid­dle-high bour­geoisie and aris­toc­ra­cy — the association’s activ­i­ty has grad­u­al­ly opened up to broad­er seg­ments of the pub­lic, espe­cial­ly since the sev­en­ties of the cen­tu­ry last.

Today the con­certs pro­mot­ed by the Soci­età del Quar­tet­to (about six­ty a year) are fol­lowed by an audi­ence of 20 thou­sand spec­ta­tors very het­ero­ge­neous by age, cul­tur­al edu­ca­tion and social back­ground, thanks to a care­ful pric­ing pol­i­cy and a scrupu­lous choice of pro­pos­als music that, depend­ing on the con­text, rang­ing from the “clas­si­cal” reper­toire to jazz, tra­di­tion­al and pop­u­lar music.