W. A. Mozart: Don Giovanni

Iván Fischer

Teatro Olimpico

Nov 01, 7:00 pm19:00 Uhr


ANDRÉ SCHUEN (Don Gio­van­ni)
LUCA PISARONI (Lep­orel­lo)
MIAH PERSSON (Don­na Elvi­ra)
KRISZTIÁN CSER (Comen­dat­tore)


Production Team

Com­ing soon…


Iván Fischer

The event is about 3.0 hours long.

Fur­ther dates:
Oct. 30, 2025, 7 p.m.
Nov. 02, 2025, 7 p.m.

About the opera

“Who I am you’ll nev­er know”, says the infa­mous wom­an­iz­er, and he is right: The char­ac­ter of Don Gio­van­ni has been inscrutable and fas­ci­nat­ing for cen­turies. Should we empathize with him? Or con­demn him? Or maybe both at the same time? He is a com­plex and fas­ci­nat­ing char­ac­ter, who, with Loren­zo da Pon­te’s libret­to and Mozart’s music, presents an eter­nal and reward­ing chal­lenge for direc­tors. This is not the first time that Iván Fis­ch­er has direct­ed the opera: he is an expert on Don Gio­van­ni both as a con­duc­tor and as a direc­tor. Once again, the cast will be amaz­ing: artists from the world’s most pres­ti­gious opera hous­es, includ­ing sev­er­al names and voic­es that BFO audi­ences will already know.

1787, 1982, 2010, 2025 and 2065 – the rela­tion­ship between Don Gio­van­ni and Iván Fis­ch­er in num­bers. The first date needs no expla­na­tion: that was when the opera, Mozart and Da Ponte’s sec­ond col­lab­o­ra­tion, was per­formed in Prague. Mozart com­posed per­son­al and pro­found music, for which he chose a con­tro­ver­sial top­ic that the Vien­nese audi­ence was less open to. “Prague has nev­er heard the like”, wrote a con­tem­po­rary crit­ic. Although Mozart was com­mis­sioned for a com­ic opera, the genre of Don Gio­van­ni is dram­ma gio­coso or play­ful musi­cal dra­ma. Accord­ing­ly, the opera blends com­ic and seri­ous ele­ments. This dual­i­ty, the con­stant lay­er­ing of one upon the oth­er, gives the opera its main strength. While Don Gio­van­ni is singing a beau­ti­ful ser­e­nade under Don­na Elvi­ra’s bal­cony, we can con­stant­ly hear Lep­orel­lo’s gig­gling in the back­ground – in the oper­a’s most beau­ti­ful yet also most wicked scene.

But this dual­i­ty is also there in the char­ac­ters. Along­side Don­na Anna, the oblig­a­tory seria char­ac­ter of the opera, Zer­li­na rep­re­sents the buf­fa, while Elvi­ra is a mix­ture of the two. Don Ottavio is absolute­ly seri­ous, Maset­to and Lep­orel­lo are com­ic through­out, and Don Gio­van­ni… Well, he always speaks in a tone that best serves his cur­rent pur­pose. As a chameleon, he is able to adapt to any­one.

The title role will be sung by South Tyrolean Andrè Schuen, who is praised by inter­na­tion­al review­ers for his “oth­er­world­ly lega­to”, unique ebony tim­bre, fresh, beau­ti­ful­ly con­toured voice and steady depth. His faith­ful side­kick will be played by Luca Pis­a­roni, who has pre­vi­ous­ly sung Don Gio­van­ni and appeared on the stage of the Met, Glyn­de­bourne, La Scala and Covent Gar­den in sev­er­al roles of the Da Ponte operas. After her per­for­mance as Don­na Anna in the Teatro alla Scala in Milan, Teatro La Fenice in Venice, and Berlin Staat­sop­er, Budapest audi­ences can now also hear Maria Bengts­son in the role. The role of Zer­li­na will be sung by “gold­en voiced” Giu­lia Semen­za­to, a spe­cial­ist in the Baroque and Mozart reper­toire. There will also be some return­ing singers: Miah Pers­son, Bernard Richter and Daniel Noy­ola will once again join the Iván Fis­ch­er Opera Com­pa­ny after their per­for­mance in Britten’s opera in 2022, Pel­léas and Mélisande in 2023 and Ari­adne auf Nax­os in 2024, respec­tive­ly.
For Hun­gar­i­an audi­ences, there is no need to intro­duce to Krisztián Cser, who has been award­ed the Hun­gar­i­an Gold­en Cross of Mer­it.

Iván Fis­ch­er first con­duct­ed Don Gio­van­ni in 1982 in the famous pro­duc­tion direct­ed by Yuri Lyu­bi­mov. In ear­ly 2010, he also direct­ed the opera, focus­ing on the protagonist’s per­spec­tive and his addic­tion to women and bod­ies. After that pro­duc­tion achiev­ing great suc­cess from New York to Edin­burgh, we can expect a brand new con­cept in 2025.

And what about the num­ber 2065? Just add up the items in Leporello’s Cat­a­logue Aria, and you will see.

A joint pro­duc­tion of the BFO, Müpa Budapest, the Ivan Fis­ch­er Opera Com­pa­ny, and the Vicen­za Opera Fes­ti­val.