Ivan Fischer Opera Company

It has been a slow search for organ­ic con­nec­tion of the­ater and music. Var­i­ous attempts of min­i­mal­is­tic stag­ing have sim­pli­fied the visu­al ele­ment in order to focus on the sound. Decla­ma­tion-like singing and reduc­ing the orches­tral vol­ume lead the focus to the the­atri­cal ele­ment. Bring­ing the per­form­ers into one space cre­at­ed a uni­ty instead of sep­a­ra­tion of a large stage and a deep pit. So, grad­u­al­ly the staged con­certs have been devel­oped, cre­at­ed for con­cert halls, where no tow­er absorbs the voice. The con­fronta­tion with the birth­place of opera, the renais­sance ver­sion of an amphithe­ater in Vicen­za helps to per­form in a set­ting designed for uni­ty of dra­ma and music. Our next step will be the devel­op­ing of a more mod­ern space, a light instal­la­tion in which mul­ti­ple operas can be per­formed.”

Iván Fischer


The Ivan Fis­ch­er Opera Com­pa­ny was found­ed as a non-prof­it com­pa­ny with the goal to pro­duce one opera each year, con­duct­ed and direct­ed by Iván Fis­ch­er in var­i­ous the­aters and opera hous­es all over the world.

Past per­for­mances have been held at Müpa Budapest, at the Rose The­ater, New York, as part of the Most­ly Mozart Fes­ti­val, in the Fes­ti­val The­atre at the Edin­burgh Fes­ti­val, at the Roy­al Fes­ti­val Hall, Lon­don, in the Con­cert­ge­bouw Halls of Ams­ter­dam and Bruges, at the Abu Dhabi Fes­ti­val, Berlin Konz­erthaus and at the Gene­va Opera.
The Com­pa­ny per­forms each year at the Vicen­za Opera Fes­ti­val.