Societá del Quartetto di Vicenza
our partner in Vicenza

The association’s history began in 1910 when the writer Antonio Fogazzaro gathered around him a group of music lovers to create a musical association in Vicenza, based on the example of other historical associations that in the late nineteenth and early Twentieth century had flourished in the most important Italian cities.
Since then the activity of the Società del Quartetto has been carried out uninterruptedly, with the exception of a pause of a few years to coincide with the Second World War.
Born as a sort of private circle which included the notables of the city — middle-high bourgeoisie and aristocracy — the association’s activity has gradually opened up to broader segments of the public, especially since the seventies of the century last.
Today the concerts promoted by the Società del Quartetto (about sixty a year) are followed by an audience of 20 thousand spectators very heterogeneous by age, cultural education and social background, thanks to a careful pricing policy and a scrupulous choice of proposals music that, depending on the context, ranging from the “classical” repertoire to jazz, traditional and popular music.