Cá Marcello


Oct 28, 1:00 pm13:00 Uhr

About the event

Cà Mar­cel­lo is an exquis­ite Venet­ian vil­la nes­tled in the lush coun­try­side near Pado­va. Steeped in his­to­ry, this archi­tec­tur­al gem dates back to the 16th cen­tu­ry and show­cas­es a har­mo­nious blend of Renais­sance and Venet­ian Goth­ic styles. Sur­round­ed by sprawl­ing gar­dens and serene water fea­tures, the vil­la exudes an air of refined ele­gance and tran­quil­i­ty. Its dis­tinc­tive facade, adorned with ornate carv­ings and intri­cate detail­ing, speaks to the crafts­man­ship of its time. The inte­ri­or is equal­ly enchant­i­ng, with grand fres­coed cham­bers and well-pre­served peri­od fur­nish­ings that offer a glimpse into the villa’s aris­to­crat­ic past.
Cà Mar­cel­lo stands as a tes­ta­ment to Venet­ian opu­lence and cul­tur­al her­itage, invit­ing vis­i­tors to immerse them­selves in its time­less beau­ty.

The event is about 2.0 hours long.